A journey into the human mind.


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7 Chapters

tips on how you can focus on the feelings of happiness, well-being, optimism and how these emotions affect your daily experience

2 Podcasts

tips on how you can focus on the feelings of happiness, well-being, optimism and how these emotions affect your daily experience

34 Assignments

tips on how you can focus on the feelings of happiness, well-being, optimism and how these emotions affect your daily experience

25 Videos

tips on how you can focus on the feelings of happiness, well-being, optimism and how these emotions affect your daily experience

9 Certificates

tips on how you can focus on the feelings of happiness, well-being, optimism and how these emotions affect your daily experience

Created by

Lily Cooper

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Lily Cooper is psychologist.
She has been working in the fields of positive psychology, coaching and mentoring for the past 9 years. 
Since 2018, Lily's distinctive communication style inspires individuals, groups and audiences around the world to engage in the science of positive psychology.

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